In addition to operating our own servers, our network is also of great concern to us. It allows us to ensure great availability and the best possible speed.
Network infrastructure
Our network infrastructure is fully integrated with the company's own backbone. Thanks to the countless peerings and points of presence from our own oneCorp backbone, we can reach the entire European continent without high delays. Connections to America and Asia are also extraordinarily clear. Due to our 230 GBit connection to well-known carriers as well as the connections to DE-CIX Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Munich we can offer you best traffic.
On our network map you can follow in real time the connections of our own backbone:
Another advantage of our own backbone is that we can change our peerings independently at any time, for example to achieve better latency for you as a customer.
A complete list of peerings accessed through our chosen uplink and downlink can be found on the Hurricane Electric website.
Internal network routing
We have already tested several possibilities of creating flawless, stable, and constant routing. After testing multiple different solutions for a long period of time, we have decided on the tried and tested systems by Juniper for the finalised version. These systems allow us to process several million data packets each second and are relatively easy to scale at the same time.
By using Juniper switches, we realize the flawless and redundant distribution of data packets in the network, which is fully upgraded to 40GBE.